Andreas K. Gombert

Andreas K. Gombert

  • University of Campinas, Brazil

Andreas K. Gombert has always worked at the border between biology and engineering, with a particular interest in yeasts. He has worked on yeast physiology, metabolism, metabolic engineering, evolution and ecology and is particularly interested in the alcoholic fermentation process, which is used in Brazil to produce fuel ethanol from sugar cane. Andreas was a lecturer at the University of São Paulo (USP), before moving to the University of Campinas in 2013. He also had stints (of at least a year each) at: Technical University of Denmark (DTU), University of Minho (Portugal), Delft University of Technology (Netherlands) and Harvard University. He is also dedicated to teaching and learning issues, seeking to explore new teaching methodologies, such as the flipped classroom. He also carries out literacy activities in microbiology with children in different schools, translated a book on yeasts and took part in the recording of podcasts and videos that are now available on the internet. He is on the editorial board of the scientific journal FEMS Yeast Research and is one of the three delegates representing Brazil at the International Commission on Yeasts (ICY).