Patrick Carré

Patrick Carré

  • Terres Inovia, Bordeaux, France

Patrick is a Senior Processing Engineer specializing in Oils, Oilseeds, and Pulses Processing at Terres Inovia since January 2021. Patrick has extensive experience in the field of oilseed processing. He has held several key positions throughout his career, including R&D manager for oilseeds crushing and oil refining at ITERG (2020-2021) and OLEAD (2016-2019). From 2001 to 2015, he managed CREOL, overseeing pilot plants for oilseed processing, including dehulling, mechanical and solvent extractions. Patrick is recognized for his expertise in oilseed processing and has been involved in numerous studies on the impact of processing on rapeseed meal quality.

He has collaborated with animal scientists from various institutions, including the Universities of Hohenheim, Wageningen, and Nottingham, as well as INRAe and ARVALIS. His research interests span a wide range of topics, including the feasibility of ethanol extraction for rapeseed, mechanical extraction of oilseeds at pilot plant scale, and the fate of contaminants during oil extraction. Recently, he published in OCL Journal 8 articles focusing on the hexane issues. Patrick's expertise extends to microeconomics, particularly in processing cost evaluation of innovative feedstuffs. He was involved in the techno-economic feasibility study of YaLiOL, a project dedicated to producing odd-chain fatty acids, funded by the “Agence Nationale de la Recherche” (ANR) in France (2021-2023), and coordinated by Mohamed Koubaa. He recently published an article discussing the economic interest of solid-state fermentation for improving the feed value of meals.